- Depression
- Being occasionally low and out of sorts, or sad over a recent event is not what is clinically named as depression. Everyone experiences those sorts of mood changes. But when the lows don’t stop, or your feelings are impacting how you act and react, and carry on daily life, you may be experiencing depression. This common disorder affects each person differently. One person may not be able to sleep (either getting to sleep or staying asleep all night), another may be very irritable or unusually touchy—In short, symptoms vary. Overall, one’s ability to function and one’s self-worth are affected, and life can seem worthless.
- Depression is a major reason that brings a patient into the counseling office. Various kinds of therapy are used to treat depression, and do so quite effectively.
- If you suspect you are depressed this is a short quiz that can help you decide whether to seek professional help.
- Anxiety
- Anxiety is stronger than the everyday stress that most individuals experience. When stress becomes fears and worries that will not subside, real anxiety exists. This anxiety shows itself in physical symptoms of muscle tensions, inability to relax, stomach upsets, and many other physical manifestations. These fears and worries can center around certain situations, such as leaving the house, or around things, such as having an intense fear of spiders. The specific fears are called phobias.
- Mindfulness, stress-reducing exercises and therapy can help decrease anxiety levels, and lesson the power of phobias.
- Couples
- In couples’ counseling, I draw from several theories and methods. These include the research findings and recommendations of Dr. John Gottman, the Emotionally Focused Therapy of Dr. Susan Johnson, and the work of Dr. David Schnarch, internationally renowned sex and relationship therapist. I focus on issues of trust and intimacy, communication, and building strong interpersonal bridges that strengthen relationships.
- In relationships damaged by sexual addiction and the many trust issues caused by this process addiction, I focus specifically on the couple’s communication issues first. All the other issues can be tackled following success in communication.
- Marriage calls us into the deepest relationship that we can experience in our lives. When we commit ourselves to another person in marriage, we enter into a covenantal relationship through which we are fundamentally changed—we are no longer solitary people, but living together as two, yet one. This is an exciting venture in one’s life! But marriage is not easy; two people called together in a relationship so intimate will inevitably experience challenges in the course of their marriage. Love, respect, intimacy, and honesty—these are the cornerstones of any healthy relationship, and when one of them disappears, your marriage will feel strained. As a counselor for couples, I hope to show you that God can – and very often does – use those dark places in our relationships to confront and challenge us, pushing us to discover and create the life we want to lead with our partner. I facilitate a conversational dynamic in which you are able to express yourself freely with your spouse and work through the issues that are keeping you from loving one another fully. Through our sessions, I hope to restore you to one another in intimacy, love, and care for each other.
- Premarital
- Most couples pay more attention and resources towards the wedding event rather than the marriage they are forming. Premarital counseling is marital satisfaction “insurance”—face the issues in the counseling room prior to facing them in life after the glow of the honeymoon is over.
- I hold certifications in both Prepare/Enrich and SYMBIS (Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts). Both are faith-based programs involving excellent assessments, allowing couples to discuss openly all areas of relationship. Each takes about 10 weeks.
- PTSD/Trauma
- Trauma can turn your world upside down, and leave you feeling terrified and isolated. Trauma can be sudden, life-changing events, often life-threatening events. It can also be continual constant serious stresses to accumulate so that all a person’s energy is turned towards defense and survival. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a pattern of symptoms displayed by individuals after significantly stressful events. There are many complicated mental health issues surrounding traumatic experiences Many times the unresolved stress response surfaces long after the stressful events, and can affect a person in seemingly disconnected ways. Men, women, and especially children who have survived a traumatic experience may find the process of recovery overwhelming or even impossible to face alone.
- Women’s Issues
- Throughout my life, I have struggled with the identity issues, cultural expectations, and the particular challenges faced by women today. Having lived with confusion and self-destructive attitudes for years, and having experienced resolution with the benefit of counseling, I can offer deep understanding and tools for resolution to women who face similar issues.
- Life transitions
- The developmental changes that occur throughout life can bring with them unexpected stresses and losses, as well as welcome changes. Become empty-nesters, moving to a new geographic area, or changing jobs are just three of the life changing circumstances that can cause confusion, guilt or regret. Handling these transitions well and in a positive way can require professional counseling.
- Grief, Loss, Bereavement
- Losing a loved one changes life irrevocably. Grieving well, and grieving completely allows one to move ahead in life. These are processes helped by specific therapy.
- Sex/Love Addiction
- Pornography is not harmless. It is a specific kind of sexual infidelity, and to most partners, a breach of trust. Usually habitual, it easily expand to acting out with other, not just viewing screen action. Separate and specific therapies have been developed to deal with the addict, their spouse/ partner, and the marriage/relationship. If you suspect that you have sex or porn addictions, take this simple test. If you are have been harmed by your partner’s behaviors, this assessment can help you in deciding to seek counseling.
- Spiritual Abuse
- This is a specific kind of betrayal and harm that happens when a spiritual leader or entity misuses their power and authority. This kind of abuse often involves many kinds of boundary violations and loss of trust.
- Personal Development
- If you’re unsatisfied with the direction your life is taking, counseling for personal development can help. Perhaps you are unhappy at work, are struggling within social relationships, struggle with regret and discouragement, or have concerns about growing on a personal and/or spiritual level. These are major life issues, and can rob you of satisfaction and confident anticipation of the future. I can help you find solutions and strategies for facing life fully.